Health: The coronavirus outbreak coupled with the lockdown has triggered an increase in the cases of stress, anxiety and domestic violence across India. India has been in lockdown for more than a month now and due to extended lockdown, this will continue till midnight 17th May. The dramatic shift in daily life has caused a range of issues but mental health is one of the most concern matter for psychiatrist fraternity.

According to sociology professor Dr Promila Singh, “Mental health issues are rapidly rising in young adults as well as elderly people, due to Coronavirus global pandemic. In usual circumstances, Younger generation mostly millennial are leading the charge for mental-health resource, In fact, 75 percent of mental disorders appear by the age of 25.”

Now, due to coronavirus pandemic, There is a drift and the episodes of mental health issues and mental illness appearing in people that hadn’t experienced before. Anxiety, frustration, panic attacks, loss or sudden increase of appetite, insomnia, depression, mood swings, delusions, fear and suicidal tendencies, have become quite common during the lockdown, she added.

This crisis will be severe and prolonged and it’s going to affect a very large number of people. To slow the spread of coronavirus the social distancing measures are important hence all social activities of youngsters and elderly propel are totally canned. Mental health experts all over the world, warns that young people’s mental health requires urgent attention. 

The enforced social isolation, rising level of anxiety, financial stress, threats and losses have the potential to make this issue worse. People are worried about their jobs, their studies, their future, not getting a chance to share or verbalize their feelings and emotions. They are stressed by sensory overload from electronic devices, academic pressures, hence there is a need for education in self-care to develop mindfulness skills to reduce stress and improve mental health. 

Meanwhile, the COVID-19 lockdown has also become a financial lockdown, as both salaried individuals and businessmen have suffered losses. In this critical situation, Professionally trained counselors can help, it is important to reach out for support.