Himachal pradesh: After the pregnant Elephant death surfaced on social media, yet another heinous crime came to light from Himachal pradesh. A pregnant cow was stuffed and injured with some eatables mixed with explosives, a few days back. The Himachal Pradesh police have arrested a man in Bilaspur district, Shimla for allegedly committing the similar crime.

A picture of an arrest went viral after the owner of the cow, Gurdial Singh accused his neighbour Nand Lal Dhimman, a resident of Dahad village, Bilaspur in Shimla over injuring the pregnant animal over last month. The accused was arrested from his village on Saturday. 

Bilaspur Superintendent of Police, Dewakar Sharma went out with his team and medical staff to examine the jaws and the face of the cow. After reaching the spot, it has been subjected that such actions were taken in order to preserve the crops from being damaged. The blood samples of the cow and the patch of burnt skin were taken for the forensic taste. 

The owner lodged a complaint on May 25 after he heard an explosion, on reaching the spot he witnessed his cow being injured by an explosion and an FIR was done on May 26 where the owned had accused his neighbour behind such violence. 

Immediate medical aid was provided to the cow. After the injury, thankfully, the cow had given birth to a calf.