Minneapolis: Protest surrounded over the death of a black man in the police station. A video circulated where the black man was gasping for breath while the police dug his knee into his neck for almost 8 times. The video was heart-wrenching as the black man couldn’t breathe and pleaded for his life while the police kept on doing the same.

The death of Geoge Floyd sparked a wide-range protest across the state. People looted the shops, streets and set fires. The angry crowds destroyed the property and the nation demanded justice. Many windows and doors of the store department were smashed. In California, many people violently protested that went ahead and blocked the Los Angeles freeway.  Amid the violence, a man was shot dead at Minneapolis. The outrage showed the evidence that the protest went beyond Minneapolis to Los   Angeles. The Los Angeles Police Chief, Michel Moore was concerned about the demonstration of destruction particularly after the video that violated the basic principles of law enforcement for preservation of life. 

The protest began on Wednesday and continued till Thursday. Spray paints represented obscenity on the walls of the street. The looters took the opportunity and looted the merchandise from the damaged shops with broken doors and windows. The FBI announced the investigation regarding the violation of the civil rights of Floyd. The announcement came after President Donald Trump took to twitter to signal that the investigation in this matter has been demanded. 

On Thursday, the Governor of Minnesota Tim Walz signed an order to activate the Minnesota National Guard to restore the peace in the area. The police warned the resident of possible explosions and gunshots. Fires destroyed the area where the incident took place. However, the officials stated that the people staying within the perceived boundary were safe.

The National guards deployed 500 armies to the arena with the objective that the fire departments were able to respond to calls. The demonstrators demanded actions against the four officers involved in Floyd’s death.

The problem of racism is a serious issue and needs to be dealt with the utmost action. Smokes across the sky lingered as the protesters raged in pace.