On Wednesday, Karnataka Chief Minister K Siddaramaiah decided to move a proposal to rename Ramnagara district as Bengaluru South in the next cabinet meeting. On the matter, Siddaramaiah said, “Ramnagara district leaders spearheaded by DK Shivakumar sought my permission to change the name of the district to Bengaluru South I told them that this is a Cabinet decision, and I shall present the naming change proposal. ”
To address possible arguments from political opponents about future name changes, Siddaramaiah boldly stated, “The BJP will not come back into power to change or delete any name if we do it…Have HD Kumaraswamy or the BJP received the blessings of the people?”
On the district level management, Siddaramaiah said, “I have directed all the in-charge ministers to have district level meetings and janaspandana meetings. ” He added that they managed to have two days of meetings with Deputy Commissioners, Chief Revenue Officers, and secretaries on such issues.
Pertaining to the latest raid of Enforcement Directorate (ED), Siddaramaiah noted, “It is their duties to perform such raids, and we do not have any issues if it is performed legally. ” He remained silent on whether they had arrested B Nagendra or not.
Earlier in the week, on Tuesday two, the state minister of Karnataka, DK Shivakumar, said that a delegation of its district leaders has mooted renaming Ramnagara district as Bengaluru South. Shivakumar said the renaming of Ramanagara: District leaders clearly looked at the future and development of Ramanagara, Channapatna, Magadi, Kanakapura, and Harohalli taluks and the renaming proposal to Bengaluru South District was mooted and taken to the CM Siddaramaiah by the district in-charge ministers, the MLAs and the leaders.
Explaining the antiquity, Shivakumar added, “And we all come from the backdrop of the present day Bengaluru district, which consists of Bangalore city, Doddaballapur, Devanahalli, Hoskote, Kanakapura, Ramanagara, Channapatna, and Magadi ”.
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