Raipur– The Modi Cabinet was announced on Sunday and Chhattisgarh MP Tokhan Sahu was made Minister of State in the new central government. The BJP can boast of having won 10 out of 11 seats in the state in the most recent and previous elections as well. But now Congress has demanded that two ministers should be given a berth in the state council which was earlier represented by one minister. In response, MLA Motilal Sahu accused Congress and said perhaps they need to look at the mirror to analyse why they are losing. He informed people that Congress had assured him of assuring Tamradhwaj Sahu the CM position, but they never kept their word to deliver.

This was reciprocated by the MLA Motilal Sahu who expressed his joy over Tokhan Sahu to be included in the Modi Cabinet and said that it is a proud moment for Chhattisgarh. In this case, he expresses happiness when a member of the family progresses, saying, “It does bring happiness. ”

Regarding the review meeting of the MLAs, he said that there will be further deliberation regarding the results of the BJP that had secured success in 10 out of the 11 seats. The emphasis will be on discussing the possible sources of the failure in gaining the one seat as possible steps will need to be taken to eliminate such failure in the subsequent elections.

He said that there are several problems regarding water in a few rural constituencies. While elaborating on the water problems, he pointed out that although the Amrit Mission has been initiated for the Urban areas, for the villages, the Government has introduced the Nal Jal Yojana for the purpose of providing water. He said that Congress failed to fund these projects for the past five years, claiming that the country suffers from horrible water issues. ‘Had they embarked on these initiatives, the calamities concerning water wouldn’t be as worse’, he noted. Once again, the elections and the code of conduct are over, he gave the assurance that endeavour will be made to address these challenges within the shortest time possible.

Regarding the increasing pollution in rural areas, Motilal Sahu shared his views on pollution control in which it is discussed that pollution control is essential whether it is water pollution, air pollution, or noise pollution. He expressed that these matters are still under discussion explaining that he intends to consult industrialists in order to devise ways of preserving the environment.

This elaborate reaction from the BJP also demonstrates their active engagement with political and ecological concerns in Chhattisgarh while also serving as a presentation of the party’s proactive capabilities in the sphere of politics and government, as well as being beneficial for the public.