Raipur: The ED said it has frozen movable and immovable assets of the accused aggregating to around ₹ 500 crore in the Mahadev Online Satta App case in Chhattisgarh. It was done with the assistance of the state’s Revenue Department, and the properties were tagged and consequently raided under the PMLA. The ED, through patwaris and tehsildars, identified land plots in the Abhanpur and Raipur tehsil which are no longer allowed for sale or purchase.
The attached properties consist of approximately 200 acres of land divided into 19 different places in Abhanpur and Raipur Tehsil. The attached lands of Abhanpur are in the Kolar, Khorpa, Saloni and Chhachanpairi villages. The properties are in the villages like Mujgahan, Temri, Cherikhedi, Shankarnagar and Boriakhurd in Raipur.
The ED said that promoters and operators of the Mahadev Book App earned unlawful proceeds of about ₹500 crore per month through online betting, particularly after the Covid-induced lockdown in 2020. Most of these persons have been arrested, and their fixed assets have been seized as a result of that process.
Also, it has been accused that the promoters of the app bought protection against legal proceedings from important political leaders, police, and administrative officials in the form of protection money, which would be in large amounts. These bribes were also allegedly given by low-rank police officials as well as police employees. Such misuse of official positions enabled people to accumulate unlawful wealth and other assets that had fallen prey to the ED.
Earlier, the ED had provisionally attached some properties, and both the Economic Offenses Wing (EOW) and the Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) filed FIRs in the Mahadev Satta App case naming 19 persons as accused. Research conducted into these allegations of money laundering and corruption is still continuing.
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