Chhattisgarh: The number of corona patients in the country has increased to 9152. According to the Health Ministry website, 308 people have died in the country so far. 7987 Corona patients are under treatment in the country. At the same time, 857 patients have been cured. In the last 24 hours, Corona has killed 35 people. Maharashtra has the highest number of 1985 infected patients and 149 people have died.

With 21 reported corona positive cases which are most in the state from one area, Katghora has been declared as a hotspot for coronavirus. All 21 patients have been shifted to AIIMS, Raipur and every citizen from that region is being tested for coronavirus. All borders &shops have been sealed & shutdown respectively.

District Administration has been working round the clock to keep the situation under control in Katghora. After finding the most number of cases here, the town has been locked down completely, with even medical shops and ration shops being shut down till further orders. A control room has been set up in the town for collecting orders of essential commodities and delivering them to people’s houses. All borders of the town have been sealed and no person is allowed to enter or leave the town.

Five drones are being used for constant aerial surveillance of the pandemic affected Katghora. Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel has also expressed his concern and issued instructions to quarantine every person who has visited Katghora past days. All these people will be tested for coronavirus infection. The entire area has been sanitised and several teams are working to survey the area in order to trace people who had come in contact with the infected persons.