Chhattisgarh: After seven new cases appeared on Saturday late night, today five new positive cases of Corona have come out. 6 new patients have been found in Hotspot “Katghora” .

With this, the number of corona positive cases has reached 31 so far in the state, although 10 of these patients have been fully recovered and discharged. At present, there are 21 active cases that are being treated at AIIMS, Raipur.

According to the sources, all the people found positive today are surfaced in Katghora belong to the same locality as the one who was allegedly attended the Tablighi Jamaat event in Delhi.

As the number of cases in Chhattisgarh is rapidly increasing and now this new cases that has submerged within 24 hours is extremely worrisome and it is being feared that upcoming days will be crucial for the state as the tally may rise substantially.