Washington: As the world is gearing up to fight this pandemic outbreak, a recent study has put all the precautionary measures in jeopardy. The Chinese scientists has discovered some crucial information while experimenting with coronavirus at the hospital.

The study revealed that air samples from the hospital wards with COVID-19 patients could travel up to 13 feet or four meters, which is twice the regulated guidelines that highlights the importance of social distancing.

The preliminary results done by Chinese researchers were published on Friday, Apr. 10, in the Emerging Infectious Diseases, which is a journal of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention or CDC.

A team lead by the Academy of Military Medical Sciences in Beijing tested the surface and air samples in an intensive care unit as well as a general COVID-19 ward at the Huoshenshan Hospital in Wuhan. 

About 24 patients between February and March were admitted to both the wards. All of them were included in the population sample for the study. 

During the ongoing research, the team found out that the virus was heavily concentrated over at the wards. They noted, “perhaps because of gravity and airflow causing most virus droplets to float to the ground.”

High levels were also found on frequently touched surfaces like computer mouse, trashcans, bed rails and door knobs. “Furthermore, half of the samples from the soles of the ICU medical staff shoes tested positive,” the team wrote. “Therefore, the soles of medical staff shoes might function as carriers.”

The team also looked at the aerosol transmission, in which the droplets of the virus are so fine they become suspended and remain airborne for several hours, unlike cough or sneeze droplets that fall to the ground within seconds.

They also offered advice that rebukes conformist guidelines, “Our findings suggest that home isolation of persons with suspected COVID-19 might not be a good control strategy” . However, World Health Organization has so far downplayed the risk.

All the major countries are henceforth, advising their citizens to cover the faces with masks and wear gloves whenever stepping out. US, UK, India etc. have made it compulsory to wear masks while going for work or grocery shopping.

Regardless of the research, Social distancing is definitely still a very necessary and important . All the study is for the purpose of being prepared to face the worse as we are still oblivious to the extent of the danger this virus possesses.