WORLD: On Monday, different countries across the World reported a total 49,091 new positive cases of COVID-19 taking the total count of coronavirus confirmed cases to 4,227,245. The deadly virus has killed 285,260 people, of which 1,526 fatalities were reported in the last 24 hours. The number of patients struggling with the virus at present is 2,429,285 accounting to the active cases worldwide. However, there are 1,512,700 patients who have been cured till now.

Important highlights of the global update : 

  • 6,068 new cases and 222 new deaths in the United States.
  • 3,877 new cases and 210 new deaths in the United Kingdom.
  • 744 new cases and 179 new deaths in Italy. 
  • 3,480 new cases and 123 new deaths in Spain.
  • 1,562 new cases and 112 new deaths in Mexico.
  • 11,656 new cases and 94 new deaths in Russia.
  • 811 new cases and 84 new deaths in Brazil.
  • 3,566 new cases and 79 new deaths in India.

Top 10 countries of the world reporting maximum active cases: 

  • United States : 1,034,923
  • United Kingdom : 190,651
  • Russia : 179,534
  • France : 94,373
  • Brazil : 87,346
  • Italy : 82,488
  • Spain : 63,553
  • India : 45,877
  • Peru : 44,069
  • Turkey : 42,180

While the above countries are the ones with maximum active cases, the nations reporting maximum confirmed cases are slightly different. The US , Spain and the UK are the top three countries with the highest number of COVID-19 infections.

Russia, Italy, France & Germany follow the list further. Russia has reported 11,656 new cases, the highest number of infections reported by any country in the last 24 hours.

With high rise in cases, Brazil too adds to the list along with Turkey & Iran. It is important to note that France & Turkey have not reported any new case today , while Germany has not reported any new death in the last 24 hours.

After Russia, maximum new cases were reported by the United States( 6,068), the UK (3,877), India (3,556) & Spain (3,480). Other countries like Saudi Arabia, Mexico & Iran too added huge numbers of new cases today.

Top 10 countries of the world reporting maximum deaths: 

  • United States : 81,009
  • United Kingdom : 32,065
  • Italy : 30,739
  • Spain : 26,744
  • France : 26,380
  • Brazil : 11,207
  • Belgium : 8,707
  • Germany : 7,569
  • Iran : 6,685
  • Netherlands : 5,456

However, the maximum death rate of 16% is observed in Belgium. France follows the list with the second highest death rate of 14.9% while UK & Italy are somewhat closer with approximately 14% death rate. The Netherlands have recorded a death rate of 12.75% whereas the death rate for Spain is 9.97%. Brazil reported 6.85% death rate while Iran has 6.11%. Meanwhile, it is to be noted that the death rate of 5.89% recorded in the US is the lowest among these nations irrespective of the fact that the highest number of people have died due to COVID-19 in the United States. 

Meanwhile, the officials have said that the CDC has found that an additional 5,000 fatalities might have been caused by the COVID-19 in the US between March and May but weren’t counted as part of the official coronavirus death toll.

President Donald Trump wrote on twitter, “Coronavirus numbers are looking MUCH better, going down almost everywhere”. Without defining which numbers he was talking about, it is hard to understand his claim. Mostly the infection rates and deaths are considered to be the two most important metrics in the pandemic. However, only 14 out of the 50 states actually have new cases decreasing, while in nine states the numbers are actually increasing. In the remaining 27, new cases are stable.  

The World Health Organization warned in a statement released that a review of studies by public health experts convened by WHO last month found that smokers are “more likely to develop severe disease with COVID-19, compared to non-smokers.” This is because smoking impairs lung function and makes it more difficult for the body to fight off coronaviruses and other diseases.