WORLD: Naftali Bennett, the Defence Minister of Israel, announced that the scientists at the Israel Institute for Biological Research (IIBR), have developed an antibody that can neutralise coronavirus inside the carrier’s body and called it a “significant breakthrough” for possible treatment against deadly Covid-19.

The Defence Minister, Bennett visited the labs of IIBR on Monday where he was briefed about the significant research in finding an antidote for the coronavirus.

The IIBR has led Israel in its efforts to develop a treatment and vaccine for the coronavirus, including the testing of blood from those who recovered from COVID-19. Antibodies – the immune-system proteins, from such samples, are the residues of successfully overcoming the coronavirus and are widely known as the key to develop a possible cure.

The antibody that has been isolated at the IIBR is monoclonal, which implies that it was derived from a single recovered cell and is thus potentially of more potent value in yielding a treatment.

Till now, the coronavirus treatments have been developed from antibodies that were polyclonal, or derived from two or more cells of different ancestry.

Appreciating the efforts of the researchers, Bennett said, “I am proud of the institute staff for this terrific breakthrough. Their creativity and the Jewish mind brought about this amazing achievement”.

Shmuel Shapira, Director, IIBR stated that the researchers have completed the development phase of the antibody and now the formula was under the process of being patented, after which an international manufacturer would be sought to mass-produce it.

However, the statements made by both of them did not specify whether human trials of the antibody were conducted or any detail about its practical success rate on patients.

Meanwhile, Italy has also announced that it has successfully developed a vaccine to contain coronavirus. Italy has claimed that the vaccine works on humans. As per the tests carried out at Rome’s infectious-disease Spallanzani Hospital, the coronavirus vaccine has antibodies generated in mice that work on human cells. However, the human trial of the vaccine is still awaited to begin after summer.

On Tuesday, Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi held a detailed review of efforts in India towards developing a vaccine for coronavirus and was told that over 30 Indian vaccines are in different stages of corona vaccine development, with a few going on to the trial stages. With various ongoing researches in process in different parts of the World, there is a hope that the world may soon be able to fight against COVID-19 strongly and cure it soon.