As India railways is all set to expand their train services from 15 passenger trains to more than 200 from June 1. For the first time in the history of Indian Railways, the ticket checking staff will not be wearing black coats. In the wake of the coronavirus, the staff will wear Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) kits, masks and gloves. An issue was ordered whereby; the staff are notified to check the tickets through the magnifying glass. 

The instructions were issued for the TTs as 100 pairs of special trains would recommence from June 1. In order to reduce the transmission of infection, the staff were notified to wear masks and PPEs instead of following the traditional norm of wearing black coats and ties. The guidelines also stated that the staff should have an adequate number of PPE kits along with gloves, masks, head shield, soaps and sanitisers. They need to put their names and designation badges. An authority should monitor whether all TTs are abided by the guidelines and follow them. 

The new guidelines also take into account that thermal screening must be ensured while reporting for the duty. If in any case, a staff failing or denying the thermal screening would not be allowed to join the duty. Also, staff having respiratory problems need to report the concerned authority for the same. All staff are strictly informed to maintain social distancing. The commonly touched surfaces such as handheld terminals, wallets and others should be sanitized frequently. All staff need to have their records in the ‘Aarogya Setu’ application. The common areas such as offices and lobbies must be cleaned and sanitized at a regular interval on a daily basis. 

The charts and boards should have minimal touching. The ticket checking staff should have clean hands and ensure that after using the washroom they must get fresh linen and sanitized washroom. Cooking and food should be available at the canteens since outside foods must be avoided until the pandemic.

The guidelines are meant to ensure the security and protection of the staff. These special trains have been  available for the first time after the announcement of the lockdown since March. The trains are available to all the categories of the people.