INDIA: India relaxed some coronavirus lockdown restrictions on Monday, The first two days of regulation relaxations that allowed liquor shops to reopen saw violations in large numbers. Many states are now rethinking of revoking the relaxation issued by the government.

On Tuesday night, the government of Telangana announced a complete lockdown in the state extending it till May 29. Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao addressed the media, and said that non-essential shops in the state will remain shut in red zones of the state. A curfew has also been imposed across all 33 districts from 7 pm to 6 am every day.

Meanwhile, Maharashtra closed all its non-essential stores and liquor shops as coronavirus cases climbed to 15,525 on Tuesday. Only essential items would be available for sale in the state from Wednesday.

With 841 new Covid-19 cases and 34 deaths in the last 24 hours, the death toll in the state has reached 617. Mumbai alone reported 26 deaths since Monday and 33 new cases have been reported from Dharavi on Tuesday.

Today, the Assam Government issued new guidelines in addition to the ones issued earlier on May 3rd, for the implementation of lockdown 3.0 in the state. While the state remains under a curfew from 6pm to 6 am, the new notice, signed by Assam Chief Secretary Kumar Sanjay Krishna, has relaxed timings for a number of services — especially those involved in industries, businesses and other economic activities.

In an order, Ghaziabad district magistrate said that all restrictions imposed during the third leg of the lockdown will remain in place till May 31.For permitted activities, people can move around between 7 am to 7 pm.

According to the latest update by the Health Ministry, the total number of cases in the country now stands at 49,393 and the death toll jumped to 1,694.