DELHI, INDIA: Prime Minister Narendra Modi has implemented a 21-day lockdown in the country to prevent the spread of Coronavirus. However, some reports suggest that the lockdown deadline may be extended. On which Cabinet Secretary Rajiv Gauba says that the government has no plans to extend the lockdown period of 21 days. He expressed surprise at the reports coming from media.

The Information and Broadcasting Ministry’s letter information office (PIB) tweeted that Cabinet Secretary Rajiv Gauba has denied reports in the media claiming that the government can carry forward the shutdown.

Rajiv Gouba said the ongoing 21-day nationwide lockdown to check the coronavirus pandemic is wreaking havoc on thousands of migrant workers in the country’s metro cities, especially New Delhi. “You fear the disease. But I fear hunger more, not corona,” said one of the migrant workers fleeing from the national capital to his hometown in Uttar Pradesh.

This announcement will be a relief for many, as there were various rumors regarding the extension in the period of lock-down.