Patna: India’s first covid19 vaccine, ‘Covaxin’, jointly developed by Indian Council of Medical Research(ICMR) and Bharat Biotech which has been cleared for Phase 1 and Phase 2 trials by the Drug Controller General of India will be soon start clinical human trial phase 1. This vaccine will be tested on more than 1000 people in two phases. 

Covaxin will be tested on 375 people in Phase 1 trials and 750 people in Phase 2. The company has set up to enroll the Phase 1 trial in the next two days. 

Among the 12 medical institutes that have been selected by ICMR, All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), Patna, will begin the clinical human trials this week.

Earlier this week the AIIMS-Patna Superintendent Dr CM Singh had said that the clinical trials would start in the next two days. And they are in the process of completion of some guidelines and formalities related to logistics and other procedures.

To ensure this vaccine will have a faster outcome to the nation. The selected medical institutes have been asked to fast track their  clinical trials and make it their top priority project.

On Tuesday, Hyderabad- based Nizam’s Institute of Medical Cciences (NIMS) said that they have begun the process of enrolling participants for the first stage of human trial. These trials will be done on healthy individuals between the age group of 22 and 50 years.

Covaxin is an inactivated vaccine which is made by the particles of SARS-CoV-2 that were killed, making them unable to infect the human body when injected. Injecting an inactivated vaccine develops immunity by helping the body to create antibodies against the virus.