Delhi,India: While addressing the Media on Sunday, Lav Aggarwal, joint secretary, Ministry of health has showed concern over reappearance of corona virus in cured patients that apparently surfaced in China,Japan and Korea.

He also emphasized on how social distancing is the need of the hour and it can act as “social vaccine” in the dreaded scenario.

“The recent resurgence of positive COVID-19 cases in China, Japan and Korea is a cause of concern for us too. We should, therefore, ensure that we continue to follow our containment and social-distancing measures as we have been doing so far. Irrespective of the lockdown, it is important that we adopt a behavioural change and focus on social distancing, as it is an important component of managing the infectious disease,” Agarwal said.

Briefing about the preparatory measures taken by the government, he said the focus is on increasing the capacity of the primary medical infrastructure, which includes dedicated hospitals, isolation beds, ICU beds and quarantine centres.

“Dedicated hospitals for management of COVID-19 patients have increasingly been set up across the country. Along with government hospitals, various private hospitals, public sector units, military hospitals and the Indian Railways are contributing to these efforts. The Ordnance Factory Board has manufactured specialized tents to augment the medical infrastructure in remote areas,” he added.