World: With 26,868 new cases and 1,424 new deaths reported in the past 24 hours, there has been a huge projection in the number of coronavirus patients worldwide. The tally of infected patients rose to 2,855,694. The death toll has reached 198,523 with 815,877 recovered cases all over the world.

The outbreak was declared a global pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO) on 11 March. This is when an infectious disease is passing easily from person to person in many parts of the world at the same time.

The WHO said it took about three months to reach the first 100,000 confirmed cases worldwide, but it took less than a week for the number to double from 500,000 to a million. It then took two weeks to top two million.

The US has by far the largest number of cases with 926,530 confirmed infections. The US also has the world’s highest death toll with 52,243 fatalities. Today, the USA has crossed the number of recovered cases to that of Germany, making it take highest place in number of recoveries too.

Italy, Spain and France – the worst-hit European countries – have all recorded more than 22,000 deaths, while the UK has suffered more than 19,000 fatalities.

Meanwhile, Spain reported maximum fatalities in the last 24 hours. 378 new deaths were reported in Spain. Belgium with 238 new deaths & Mexico with 152 new deaths present a worrisome situation the countries are facing.

There has been a steep rise in number of new cases reported from many such countries that seemed in a better position earlier. With 5,966 new cases, Russia reports the maximum new cases in one day. Countries like Spain, the USA, Mexico continue to increase their count of the corona virus patients. New countries like Iran, Brazil, Belgium & Saudi Arabia too reported a huge spike in the number of infected patients, suggesting the pandemic reaching at a higher level in these countries at a fast speed.

The latest data presents a steep rise in cases in almost all parts of the world after a decline for few days 

  • 3995 new cases and 378 new deaths in Spain.
  • 1032 new cases and 238 new deaths in Belgium
  • 1239 new cases and 152 new deaths in Mexico.
  • 1134 new cases and 76 new deaths in Iran.
  • 5996 new cases and 66 new deaths in Russia.
  • 1298 new cases and 50 new deaths in the USA.
  • 1048 new cases and 34 new deaths in Brazil.
  • 1197 new cases and 9 new deaths in Saudi Arabia.

Countries with Maximum Deaths

USA, Italy and Spain top this tally. 52,243 deaths have been recorded in the US, followed by Italy (25,969) and Spain (22,902).

Countries with Maximum Recoveries

Germany continues to top this list. There have been 106,800 recoveries in Germany so far. 89,250 patients in Spain and  85,922 patients in the US have been successfully cured.

Latest update of Covid-19 Cases Worldwide 

Total Cases : 1,241,194; Total deaths: 118,311; Recovered : 402,800

North America:
Total Cases : 999,165; Total deaths: 56,415; Recovered : 135,476

South America:
Total Cases : 121,322; Total deaths: 5573; Recovered : 45,573

Total Cases : 454,843; Total deaths: 16,766; Recovered : 215,574

Total Cases : 30,192; Total deaths: 1,345; Recovered : 9,251

Total Cases : 8,257; Total deaths: 98; Recovered : 6,558

The countries reporting maximum deaths continent-wise:


USA – 52,243

Brazil – 3,704

Canada – 2,302

Mexico – 1,221

Peru – 634


Italy – 25,969

Spain – 22,902

France – 22,245

United Kingdom – 19,506

Belgium – 6,917


Iran – 5,650

China – 4,632

Turkey – 2,600

India – 780

Indonesia – 720


Algeria – 415

Egypt – 294

Morocco – 159

South Africa –79

Cameroon – 53


Australia – 80

New Zealand – 18