Delhi: Chief Minister of Delhi, Arvind Kejriwal, who has showed symptoms of fever and cough since Sunday afternoon, will undergo a Covid-19 test tomorrow morning. Kejriwal has self isolated himself after doctors advised him to wait for a day before testing for coronavirus.

Sources said that Arvind Kejriwal has cancelled all his meetings since Sunday afternoon and has also isolated himself.

Delhi CM Kejriwal was last seen on Sunday evening during an online media briefing. Kejriwal on Sunday announced the Delhi government’s decision to make all Delhi government and private hospitals exclusive for residents of Delhi during the coronavirus crisis.

Meanwhile, Delhi has recorded a total of 28,936 coronavirus cases while 812 people have succumbed to death. Currently, Delhi has the second highest number of active cases with over 17000 people undergoing treatment at various hospitals in Delhi.

To restart the economic activities, India is all set to “unlock” the country from today in phased manner. The shopping malls and restaurants were allowed to open their doors for customers after over two months. The central government announced strict guidelines to maintain social distancing in public places.