World: Alarmed by a tiger in the US’s bronx zoo testing positive for corona virus, authorities in several zoos have initiated preventive measures to protect the big cats from the infection.

A tiger at the Bronx zoo in new York city has tested positive for the respiratory disease caused by the novel corona virus in the first know case of a human infecting an animal and making it sick,

A Four year old Malayan tiger name nadia has tested positive for covid-19 the tiger is believed to have contracted the virus form a caretaker who was symptomatic at the time 

The virus that causes COVID-19 is believed to have spread from animals to humans and handful of animals have tested positive in hong kong

The central zoo authority in delhi on Monday asked all the zoos across the country to remain on high alert and collect samples fortnightly of suspected cases in the wake of the US incident 

CZA member secretary SP Yadav issued a letter to all states and union territories advising them to maintain the highest level of alertness, monitor animal on a  24×7 basis using CCTV’s for any abnormal behavior or symptoms