Delhi: In its latest briefing, the MoHFW has stated that the death toll due to Covid-19 rose to over 500 and the number of cases crossed 17,000 in the country. With 1553 confirmed cases and 36 deaths reported in the last 24 hours, the largest spike in the cases has taken place. As many as 2547 persons i.e. 14.75 % of total cases have been cured and discharged.

However, the doubling rate of the cases has gone down from 3.4 days before lockdown to 7.5 days now showing the positive effect of the lockdown.

The ICMR, Delhi stated that 80 out of 100 COVID-19 patients have no or mild symptoms of the disease. This data suggests that infection prevention management is an important part of the disease management, the official added. The official further said that 6 inter-ministerial teams will be reviewing virus hotbeds.

According to the health ministry, Covid-19 growth has declined in Odisha and Kerala and no new case has been reported in the last 28 days at Mahe in Puducherry , Kodagu in Karnataka & Pauri Garhwal in Uttarakhand. All COVID-19 patients  in Goa were discharged from hospital after recovery, and now Goa has no active case. The number of districts where no case has been reported in last 14 days has increased to 59 from 23 states/ UTs.  

With 18 new cases, number of Covid-19 cases rises to 480 in Karnataka including 16 deaths and 54 fresh cases of Covid-19 have been reported in West Bengal.

Ministry of Agriculture stated that  overcoming lockdown restrictions, sown area of summer crops has increased significantly, registering an increase of 36% over the previous year, pushed up mainly by rice cultivation.

Meanwhile, Telangana extends lockdown till May 7 while there is no relaxation in Punjab & Delhi. 

In response to the Kerala Government’s modified guidelines in the lockdown, the Ministry of Home Affairs wrote a letter expressing concerns over  activities that violate the ministry’s instructions issued under Disaster Management Act. It further added that the government is monitoring the lockdown situation in India and strict actions will be taken against lockdown violations.