WORLD: Seems like 2020’s December is not going to be your ordinary Christmas one but a Disastrous December. Energy experts have said that the world only has six months to avert the climate crisis. The greenhouse gas emissions have to be lowered down by countries else, we’ll have nothing left to live on.

“This year is the last time we have, if we are not to see a carbon rebound,” said Fatih Birol, executive director of the International Energy Agency.

For rescuing the economies from the pandemic,  $9tn (£7.2tn) is planning to be spent by the governments globally, as calculated by the IEA. The shape of the global economy for the next three years will be determined by the stimulus packages created this year and emissions must start to fall sharply and permanently within this time or climate targets will be out of reach.

A report published by IEA advised that on top, should be power produced by solar and wind, buildings and industries should have improvements in energy efficiency and the modernisation of electricity grids.

The published report further sets out the first global blueprint for a green recovery, focusing on reforms to energy generation and consumption. Wind and solar power should be a top focus, the report advised, alongside energy efficiency improvements to buildings and industries, and the modernisation of electricity grids.

Because of the global pandemic caused by the outbreak of the COVID-19 virus, millions have been thrown out of their jobs and unemployment is at an all time  high around the world. 

Instead of pouring money into the high-carbon economy, green jobs such as retrofitting buildings to make them more energy efficient, putting up solar panels and constructing wind farms should be targeted as they seem to be more effective.