MUMBAI: Maharashtra, worst affected state with over 85000 cases of coronavirus, Where Mumbai alone accounts for more than 40,000 cases and more than 1500 deaths. In this circumstances, when government allowed to relax some activities, people are acting bonkers.

Under the ‘Unlock 1.0’, the government has allowed some relaxation outside of the containment zones since May 31. Several outdoor activities like cycling, jogging, running are allowed in this relaxation but the image of a crowded marine drive on sunday made Netizens worried as the flocks have been flouting the norms of social distancing. 

A picture was shared by Niharika Kulkarni on the internet where a lot of people wearing masks without social distancing were being seen walking at Marine Drive in the evening on June 6. The picture captioned as “In phase 1 of unlocking, outdoor physical activities have been allowed across the state from June 3 from 5 am to 7 pm”, was captured. Another girl shared a picture with a message that said “The same people will go home and crib about the spike in numbers. Also, why can’t ppl wear their damn masks properly”.

Though in the image, you can see people wearing masks but the norms of social distancing is at the total toss.

However, with the pictures going viral on the internet, memes have already started circulating in relation to the picture. Many people have shown concern with respect to the rapid increase of coronavirus in Maharashtra along with the breaking the norms of the social distancing. 

The place was evacuated after 7 pm as the outdoor activities have been allowed until 7 pm. The police officials firmly asked people to immediately clear the area.

To resume the economy of Maharashtra under ‘Mission Begin Again’, the shopping malls, markets were allowed to be opened in the non-containment zones with odd-even basis. Religious places are to remain closed till June 30.

On May 31, the Maharashtra government announced an extension of the ongoing lockdown until June 30, while laying out a set of guidelines on easing restrictions of movement in three phases as part of Unlock 1.0. According to the guidelines, starting from June 6, people are now permitted to access public spaces for individual outdoor activities.