Egypt: The united Nations Climate Change Conference COP27 opened with the key aim of ensuring full implementation of Paris Agreement. Cop 27 is hosted at Sharm El Sheikh in Egypt. It began yesterday amid growing calls for rich countries to compensate poorer nations most vulnerable to climate change. The event shall host over 200 nations from November 6-18.

Discussions begin near the end of a year that has seen devastating floods and unprecedented heat waves, formidable storms, severe droughts, and all unequivocal signs of climate emergency.

Inaugurating the Indian pavilion at COP 27, Indian MoEFCC minister Shri Bhupendra Yadav tweeted, “India welcomes the adoption of agenda item loss and damage at COP27”.

The invitation to the Summit in Egypt signifies the importance for World leaders to implement and transform key climate related decisions into concrete actions, including the Glasgow COP26 outcomes. The main aim this year is to fight back climate emergencies and keep up the high level of commitment to promote co-ordinated actions.