Donald Trump won’t be allowed to access his Twitter accounts anymore. The microblogging website has suspended Donald Trump’s accounts and refuses to re-activate them even if he runs for president again in 2024.

On Wednesday; the company’s chief financial officer Ned Segal announced the de-platforming of the former US President Donald Trump after the storming of the US Capitol.

 “Remember, our policies are designed to make sure that people are not inciting violence,” Segal said. 

 “And if anybody does that, we would have to remove them from the service and our policies don’t allow people to come back.” 

Negal in an interview with CNBC said “The way our policies work, when you’re removed from the platform, you’re removed from the platform, whether you’re a commentator, a CFO or a current or former public official.”

Emphasizing the account sieging; he said the former president” was removed when he was president, and there’d be no difference for anybody who’s a public official once they’ve been removed from the service.”

Trump was a prolific user of Twitter during his tenure of presidency. He used the platform for policy announcements, to settle scores, and for political campaigns. 

The suspension of Trump’s account which had more than 88 million followers proved the power of social media companies.