Washington: The USFDA on Wednesday authorized the world’s first Anti-COVID pill for high-risk people aged 12 and above. This approval amidst the  Omicron surge has paved an alternative for the Americans to sort their holiday plans.

This authorization permits doctors to prescribe the pill to patients aged above 12 shortly after they develop symptoms. According to the FDA, the drug Paxlovid acts as a first-hand guard to prevent the symptoms from worsening,  which would reduce hospitalizations and bring down mortalities The drug can be purchased at a local drug dealer and hospital in the coming days, authorities informed. However, a steady rise in production is expected in due course.

Prez Biden in his address on strategies to fight back Omicron stated engagement of more than 250,000 courses of treatment from January. “Today’s action is a testament to the power of science and the result of American innovation and ingenuity,” President Joe Biden said in a statement, promising to invoke a law that would help Pfizer ramp up production quickly. The Senate has agreed to pay $5.29 billion to purchase 10 million treatment courses from Pfizer in the upcoming year.