Reading the Indian Ministry of External Affairs, a problematic issue of the deportation of Indian students from the United States has been highlighted. The Indian students expelled from the United States in the last three years total 48, and no sufficient reasons for their repatriation were provided. Kirti Vardhan Singh, Minister of State for External Affairs, made this revelation on Friday while a parliament session was ongoing.

Rising Trends of Indian Students in Abroad

The trend shows that more and more Indian students are looking for education abroad, with the United States of America being the preferred country. However, the current papers suggest that some learners have been expelled from the US without any reason. This concern was raised in the Lok Sabha on Friday when BK Parthasarathi posed questions on how many Indian students were deported by the US in the last three years and wanted to know the causes of such deportations.

Government Response

In this regard, Kirti Vardhan Singh stated that there were 48 cases of deportation of Indian students from the United States over the past three years. However, American officials have not given a clear explanation for such actions. Singh recommended the following possible grounds for deportation, namely, unauthorized work, withdrawal from classes without permission, expulsion, suspension, and failure to disclose the OPT employment. If resolved in negative ways, these problems can result in visa cancellations, which make the student’s presence in the US unlawful.

Answering additional questions, Singh claimed that the Indian government is equally trying to enhance the relationship with the countries for the legalization of the citizens’ movement. The government is also working to prevent cases of illegitimate immigration and is concerned with the enlightenment of its people concerning safe and legal means of traveling for studying and employment purposes. Efforts by all central and state authorities are in place to combat this vice of irregular migration and support the legal channels of international education.

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