London – The United Kingdom government is poised to officially designate Wagner, the Russian mercenary group, as a “terrorist” organization, according to reports from the UK’s public service broadcaster. A draft order is expected to be introduced in parliament, allowing for the classification of Wagner’s assets as “terrorist” property, subject to seizure. This move will render membership in the group or any form of support illegal within the UK.

The proposed order is scheduled for presentation on Wednesday, with the decision to proscribe Wagner under the Terrorism Act 2000 attributed to “the nature and scale of the organization’s activities as well as the threat they pose to British nationals abroad,” as stated by the Home Office.

Home Secretary Suella Braverman characterized Wagner as “violent and destructive,” labeling it a “military tool of Vladimir Putin’s Russia.” She further asserted that Wagner’s operations posed a “threat to global security.”

This significant step by the UK government reflects growing concerns regarding Wagner’s activities and underscores a commitment to counter its actions. It signifies a concerted effort to address the group’s impact on international security and British citizens abroad.

The move to classify Wagner as a “terrorist” organization aligns with broader international efforts to curtail the activities of such groups with potentially destabilizing agendas, signaling a clear stance on combatting threats to global stability.