The United Nations (UN) associate spokesperson confirmed that the UN welcomes a dialogue between Russian President Vladimir Putin and US leader Joe Biden on security and strategic issues. Earlier on Thursday, the 2 presidents held a phone conversation to debate escalating tensions over Ukraine and the upcoming talks on the problem.

Tensions between Russia and Ukraine have elevated when an alleged Russian troop buildup on the Ukranian border and claimed for preparation for an invasion. While Moscow has repeatedly denied the accusations, Soto Nino stated that “We at all times welcome dialogue between the Member States”.

Russia has made it clear that it holds the right to relocate the troops within its own territory, while NATO’s military activity near Russian borders poses a threat to its security.

Earlier on December 17, Russia released proposals on security guarantees to NATO and the United States with the purpose of preventing any further espansion and banning the deployment of US and Russian intermediate and short-range missiles. on the other hand, White House indicated that a diplomatic path still remains open as Russia moves estimated 1,00,000 troops to Ukrain.