Ukraine could drop its bid to join NATO to avoid war with Russia, said country’s ambassador quoted a renowned news room. Ambassador Vadym Prystaiko told Ukraine was willing to be “flexible” over its goal to join the Atlantic military alliance, a move Russian President Vladimir Putin has said would be a trigger for war.When asked if Kyiv could change its position on NATO membership, Prystaiko said ” We might”.

Ukraine is not a NATO member but has a promise dating from 2008 that it will eventually be given the opportunity to join, a step that would bring the U.S.-led alliance to Russia’s border.Russia which has deployed more than 10,000 military forces within striking distance from Ukraine.

The US and its NATO allies have warned of an invasion in no time. However, Moscow denies it is planning an attack, calling the military manoeuvres exercises, but is has issued written demands that NATO forgo any further expansion eastwards including Ukraine.

Earlier on Sunday, US president Biden had a telephonic conversation with his Ukranian counterpart Zelensky, reaffirming to act swiftly and decisively if the nuclear nation initiates an attack. After an hour long conversation with Russian President, the White House officials said no ‘substantial development’ was seen as Kremlin denied to regress claiming it had rights to deploy forces in within its boundaries.

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), is an intergovernmental military alliance between 27 European countries, 2 North American countries, and 1 Eurasian country. The organization implements the North Atlantic Treaty that was signed on 4 April 1949. It constitutes a system of collective security, whereby its independent member states agree to mutual defense in response to an attack by any external party.