United Kingdom: The ruling Conservative party in the UK announced on Tuesday that the elections for the new Prime Minister of the United Kingdom to replace Boris Johnson will be held on September 5th. The PM post-contest was triggered last week when 27 Minister of Boris Johnson’s cabinet quit his party and compelled him to step down as the PM. The Influential 1992 Committee put up a detailed schedule of the election process starting from July 12th.

  • The nominations for the elections will be open from July 12th and ill close down the same day.
  • Candidates having less than 30 lawmakers for advancing will be eliminated on July 13th.
  • By July 21st there will be further rounds of voting by the Conservative Lawmakers to select the final two candidates.
  • The two finalized candidates will campaign for their candidature and hold hustings between July to September and the members will vote by post.
  • The Conservative Party will finally announce the leader of the party on September 5 and he will be designated as the next Prime Minister of the UK.

Meanwhile, Indian-origin candidate Rishi Sunak is said to be the most favourite pick for the post of UK’s next Prime Minister.