United Kingdom: The UK on Wednesday documented a record rise in its daily covid count since the outbreak, a senior British health officer said. A staggering rise in the upcoming days is speculated he further added. As per the national health bulletin, additional 78,610 COVID-19 infections have been reported, which is ten folds higher than that was recorded in January. The fresh stats reveal more than 11 million infections in the UK. 

PM Boris Johnson raised an alarm warning of a ‘tidal wave’ of infections as the highly transmissible Omicron variant of the virus attacks scores across Britain. Jenny Harries, chief executive of the UK Health Security agency earlier flagged the South African variant as ‘probably the most significant threat since the start of the pandemic’.

The United Kingdom has been reporting a striking surge in COVID-19 infections due to the new variant in two days with its greatest growth rate being reported from London and Manchester. According to the data submitted by the hospitals, nearly 10,000 people have been infected with at least 10 hospitalized. The National Health authorities also recorded its first death due to the Omicron variant last week. So far 146,000 people have died from COVID-19 in the UK.