Birmingham: Prime Minister Rishi Sunak joined a raid on illegal migrants in London. The raid, which was part of a nationwide crackdown on illegal migration, resulted in the arrest of 105 foreign nationals from across 20 nationalities.

Sunak, who was dressed in a bulletproof vest, attended one of the actions in Brent, north London. He met with Immigration Enforcement officials and observed the raid as they searched a number of properties.

The Prime Minister said that the raid was a “clear message” to those who are thinking of coming to the UK illegally. “We will not tolerate people breaking the law,” he said. “We will do everything we can to stop illegal migration and protect our borders.”

The raid comes at a time when the UK government is under pressure to do more to tackle illegal immigration. The number of people crossing the English Channel in small boats has increased sharply in recent months. In the first five months of 2023, more than 10,000 people have made the crossing.

The government has said that it is committed to reducing illegal immigration. It has announced a number of measures, including a new law that would make it a criminal offense to knowingly employ an illegal migrant.

The raid on Wednesday was the latest in a series of operations by Immigration Enforcement. In the past year, the agency has arrested more than 20,000 people for immigration offenses.

The government’s crackdown on illegal immigration has been welcomed by some, but it has also been criticized by others. Some have argued that the government is being too harsh and that it is creating a climate of fear among immigrants. Others have argued that the government is not doing enough to address the root causes of illegal immigration, such as poverty and conflict in other countries.

The government has defended its record on illegal immigration, saying that it is taking tough but necessary measures to protect the UK’s borders.thumb_upthumb_downuploadGoogle itmore_vert