Earlier this month, there were rumors that former U. S. President Donald Trump was eyeing to bring Elon Musk to the ‘cabinet.’ However, new information reveals that Trump is currently planning to implement the use of high-profile business elites such as Musk to perform an immense examination of the federal agencies.

Elon Musk especially has displayed a lot of interest in this potential role. Recently, he tweeted on the link between Trump and Musk regarding the collaboration, saying, “I can’t wait. There is a lot of waste and needless regulation in government that need to go. ” This response reflects Musk’s view on the need to reform the government.

During a recent meeting, to the astonishment of people, Trump expressed his keen interest in having Musk in his administration. When asked about Musk’s possible role, Trump complimented him, saying, “He’s a very smart guy. I certainly would. If he did it, I certainly would. He’s a brilliant guy.” This is in the wake of a two-hour live interview between Trump and Musk on Musk’s social media power, which saw the latter suggest the formation of a government efficiency commission. The latter commission would be designed to coordinate and supervise the processes of efficient spending of money within authorities. When Trump was asked whether he would accept Musk’s help in creating such a commission, Trump said ‘yes’ and called Musk ‘the greatest cutter. ’

Nonetheless, there is agreeable chemistry that might discord, especially concerning Trump’s opinion about policies revolving around EVs, which Tesla is a part of. However, new statistics from Atlas Public Policy show that electric cars got $36 million in Federal money to put up 328 EV charging stations. This investment is to boost the country’s charging stations and work towards reducing fossil fuel-based solutions.

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