A high-level symposium was held to recall the 20th anniversary of the death of Afghan guerrilla commander Ahmed Shah Massoud in Rome, Italy. The event was held on Friday by the Embassy of Afghanistan in Rome in collaboration with several other groups.

Several people including Yara Ehm, Member of the Italian Parliament and Commission on Foreign Affairs, Gabriela Colarusso, La Repubblica’s foreign affairs correspondent, Gaja Pellegrini, Margherita Stancati from the Wall Street Journal and other representatives of the international and local media participated in the event titled “Afghanistan, Taliban and the Future.” Deputy Heads of Mission represented the Diplomatic Missions of Ireland and the Czech Republic.

Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan to Italy, Khalid Zekriya, said, “Martyrs like Ahmed Shah Massoud.” Khalid Zekriya said, “Massoud’s sacrifice was important because it laid the basis for the modern state of Afghanistan; something that Pakistan backed Taliban government will try to destroy in the days to come. Afghans, however, are resilient people and the scenes today of women protesting will be more common in the coming days and months.”