Pakistan: On Thursday, Qamar Javed Bajwa, Chief General of Pakistan said that a stable relationship between India and Pakistan is a major key to unlock the potential between South and Central Asia. An event was organized in Islamabad. While speaking on the event Bajwa found that to the disputes and issues between the two “nuclear neighbors”, this potential has always remained hostage.

He said, “The Kashmir issue is at the heart of this. It is important to understand that without the resolution of the Kashmir dispute through peaceful means, the process will always remain susceptible to derailment to politically motivated bellicosity”. He further added, “We feel it is time to bury the past and move forward”.

The Chief even stated that the entire region is moving towards poverty and unemployment due to the unsettled issues in South Asia. He said, “It is said that even today South Asia is amongst the least integrated regions of the world in terms of trade, infrastructure, water, and energy cooperation. On top of it, despite being impoverished, we end up spending a lot of our money on defense, which naturally comes at the expense of human development”.

Last month India has said that it wants “normal neighborly” relations with Pakistan which will be in an environment free of terror, hostility, and violence. The country has also told Pakistan to take proper steps against the terror groups which is responsible for launching the various attacks on India.