China: Stricter curbs prevailed on Tuesday, barring millions of residents in Central China. These crisper restrictions are intended to put a hold on the recently detected Omicron variant. Beijing, gearing up to host the Winter Olympics is on high alert after the new detection. Authorities have been sticking to a “zero-Covid” strategy of targeted lockdowns, border restrictions and lengthy quarantines.

With two cases in Anyang, the newly locked-down city in Henan province is linked to a growing infection cluster in the northern metropolis of Tianjin. However, the virus genesis country has reported no outbreaks as the US and Europe.

Officials at Anyang announced the lockdown late Monday, issuing a notice ordering residents not to leave their homes commute. All non-essential services were shut down and a mass testing campaign was launched in the province. As per the provincial health bulletin, Anyang recorded 58 new infections taking the tally to 84 on Tuesday.

Several provinces of China have been put under restrictions amidst the surge.