South Africa: According to the WHO, Omicron has touched at least 57 nations so far, and hospitalizations are expected to skyrocket. WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said, “emerging data from South Africa suggests increased risk of reinfection.” Patients hospitalised with the variation have displayed significantly milder symptoms than earlier variants, according to Netcare, South Africa’s largest hospital company. Boris Johnson, the British Prime Minister, has proposed tighter limitations in response to an increase in instances. Boris Johnson claimed the incidence of Omicron cases was doubling every two to three days, putting a “significant increase in hospitalizations” at danger.

According to Pfizer and BioNTech, a third dosage of Covid vaccination may be required to neutralise the variation, citing lab studies. A new variation lineage has been found in a traveller who came from South Africa in Queensland, Australia, according to sources. A top European health agency has warned that fatalities and hospitalizations in the continent’s battle against the pandemic will continue to grow. The variation, however, is unlikely to completely evade vaccination safeguards, according to the WHO.

 On Tuesday, top US scientist Anthony Fauci warned, “There is some suggestion that Omicron might even be less severe, because when you look at some of the cohorts that are being followed in South Africa, the ratio between the number of infections and the number of hospitalizations seems to be less than with Delta.” The world is still fighting pandemic two years later, and the new strain has caused governments to implement further limitations.