BEIJING: With the beginning of ‘Chun Yun’ a marked movement of more than 2 billion is expected by the country’s transport ministry.

Earlier known as the 40-day period of Lunar New Year travel, this is the first time since the pandemic the country is witnessing such galore on its new year. The travel during the annaul holidays in the country which officially runs from Jan. 21, will be the first since 2020 without domestic travel restrictions.

The Ministry of Transport said on Friday that it expects more than 2 billion passengers to take trips over the next 40 days, an increase of 99.5% year-on-year and reaching 70.3% of trip numbers in 2019.

On Saturday, authorities ordered the release of people detained over a host of coronavirus-related incidents, a day ahead of Beijing’s plan to scrap its three-year-old stringently implemented zero-Covid policy.

China last month eased it COVID curbs following historic protests agaisnt the policy that  included frequent testing, restricted movement, mass lockdowns and heavy damage to the world’s No.2 economy. It will end its international isolation from 12 AM on Sunday, fully opening its airports and ports for travel and trade, amid a massive coronavirus outbreak in the country. International travelers can arrive in China without nucleic acid tests and quarantine restrictions henceforth.

The medical sector of the country has been immensely affected as the relaxation exposed many to the virus at once for the first time. Hospitals have been overwhelming, pharmcies are empty and long lines in crematoriums are creating a wave of distress across the globe.