Afghanistan: According to Afghanistan’s Taliban rulers, the United States (US) has agreed to supply humanitarian aid to the country. The announcement came after their first direct meetings since US forces left Afghanistan in August, which took place in Qatar. The talks were regarded as honest and professional by US officials, but they added that the Taliban will be judged by their deeds.

The United States has yet to formally affirm the Taliban’s claim to aid but has stated that it will assist humanitarian organizations in delivering aid.

According to a US State Department spokeswoman, the US and Afghanistan have discussed providing “strong humanitarian assistance, directly to the Afghan people”. Some charity workers claim that the talks took place while Afghanistan suffered a serious humanitarian catastrophe.

The World Bank, aid accounts for 40% of the country’s GDP (national production). The objective for the impoverished in Kabul is to avoid starvation. Following the Taliban’s seizure of Kabul on August 15, the US froze $10 billion (£7.3 billion) in central bank assets.