Afghanistan: The Panjshir province, the last stronghold of anti-Taliban resistance forces in Afghanistan, was “completely conquered”, the Taliban claimed on Monday. They added that the country was now finally out of the storm of war. However, the Taliban’s claim has been denied by the resistance forces.

“Panjshir province, the last stronghold of the mercenary enemy, was completely conquered. With the help of God Almighty and with the broad support of our nation, our latest efforts for the complete security of the country and the province have paid off,” Taliban spokesperson Zabihullah Mujahid said in a statement. NRF spokesman Ali Maisam said, “It is not true, the Taliban haven’t captured Panjshir. I am rejecting Taliban claims.”

Three weeks ago, the Taliban took control of the rest of Afghanistan taking control in Kabul on 15 August following the downfall of the Western-backed government. Ahmad Massoud, the leader of the NRF, had said he was open to peace talks soon. He added he supported a plan, introduced by religious clerics, for a negotiated settlement, and called on the Taliban to end their war. 

Ahmad Massoud, the leader of the resistance forces, in Afghanistan`s northeastern province of Panjshir said, a day earlier, if the Taliban leave the province, resistance forces are ready to stop fighting and start negotiations. In the Hindu Kush mountains, the Panjshir Valley lies approximately 90 miles north of Kabul. After steamrolling across pro-government troops in a matter of months, the Taliban have been unable to take this major holdout of resistance. From Friday night, the war over Panjshir province escalated.

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