Kabul: The Afghan President Ghani addressed the nation for the first time since the Taliban initiated offensive activities. Briefing the media he said,” Under the current situation, remobilizing the Afghan security and defence forces is our top priority.”

He assured that he would focus and prevent further instability, violence & displacement of people. He asserted that he would not allow imposed war on Afghans to bring further killings, loss of the gains of the last 20 years, destruction of public property. He further informed about the dialogue being held with local leaders and international partners. 

In the recent advancement, the Islamic militia captured the 19th provincial capital, Sharana, south-eastern province of Patkika. 

Earlier today, the Taliban headed towards the province south of the capital and launched a multi-pronged assault early Saturday on Mazar-e-Sharif, a major city in the north. This put the insurgents less than 80 km south of the national capital. 

Continuing a rapid advance, the insurgents took Pul-e-Alam, around 70 km (40 miles) from Kabul and the capital of Logar province, a local provincial council member said.

The Pentagon has said two battalions of Marines and one infantry battalion will arrive in Kabul by Sunday evening, involving about 3,000 troops. It has also been informed to deploy an infantry brigade combat team that will move out of Fort Bragg, North Carolina to Kuwait to act as a quick reaction force for security in Kabul if needed.

Several western countries have been sending in forces as the Afghan Govt cripples to combat the Taliban and fears assault on its national capital.