Rains and strong winds hit the South Carolina coast on Saturday with the onset of Tropical Storm Colin in Miami. A warning issued by the National Hurricane Centre in Miami stated that there is a possibility of Localized Flash flooding along the Carolinas coast on Sunday morning. The storm is likely to produce heavy rainfall across coaster portions of North Carolina as well.

The storm’s centre was noted at 20 kilometres north of Wilmington in North Carolina at 11 PM ETD on Saturday. The maximum speed of the wind was noted at 35 mph and it was moving north east at the speed of lin7 mph. Good news is that the storm is expected to further weaken and dissipate completely by Sunday night or Monday morning. Some forth of celebrations scheduled in July have been cancelled after the predictions of heavy rainfall and water pooling issue at the venue.

Disappointed organizers were forced to cancel a much awaited festival event planned at South port, North Carolina. Trisha Howarth, festival spokesperson in her statement said that the safety of festival goers, volunteers, emergency workers and vendors is their primary responsibility.

Meanwhile, there are no other tropical storm warnings for North Carolina and Pamlico Sound while tropical storm Bonnie has made a landfall near the Rica- Nicaragua border.