Sheikh Hasina, the Prime Minister of Bangladesh, has urged people not to trust anything they read on social media without double-checking the facts. Since last Wednesday, when an alleged blasphemous post surfaced on Facebook during Durga Puja celebrations, attacks on Hindu temples have increased in Bangladesh. A mob in Bangladesh vandalised 66 Hindu homes and set fire to at least 20 others late Sunday night. Prime Minister Hasina directed Home Minister Asaduzzaman Khan to take prompt action against people who promote violence using religion during the weekly Cabinet meeting on Tuesday.

She has told the home ministry to stay attentive and take actions to prevent similar occurrences from happening again. Six Hindus were slain in separate incidents, according to local media, although the figures could not be independently verified.

In the meantime, the ruling Awami League is directing ‘harmony rallies’ and peace processions around the country on Tuesday in response to recent communal violence. The ruling Awami League, according to General Secretary Obaidul Quader, would remain on the streets till the communal forces are dealt with. Leaders and workers of the Awami League across the country are prepared to respond appropriately to these forces.