Shanghai: Financial hub of China reported 12 new COVID-19 related deaths on April 22, up from 11 the previous day. The rise came amidst rising frustrations among residents who continued to boil over amid a harsh lockdown and strict censorship online.

The National Health Commission reported 20,634 new local asymptomatic infections on Friday.Shanghai authorities on Friday extended the COVID-19 lockdown to April 26, amid reports of growing public resentment as the eastern metropolis of 26 million.

As per authorities the latest virus related death was observed in an unnvaccinated individual of 88 years. Reportedly all deceased had underlying co-morbidities.

China has yet to introduce its own mRNA vaccines, and has chosen not to import those developed overseas.

Despite the clampdown of a month so far, cases in the financial hub have been uptick pushing the efficiency of Chinese authorities.