Moscow: Russia recently alleged that multinational pharmaceutical corporations, in collaboration with certain US Deep State actors, masterminded the Covid-19 pandemic to achieve global dominance. Notable figures, including Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Joe Biden, and George Soros, have been implicated in this conspiracy theory.

In a formal statement, the Russian Embassy in the United States pronounced that Russia is pushing for justice regarding the virus’s origins, pointing fingers at the West for concealing its roots and stifling attempts to unearth the truth through scientific and journalistic avenues. To substantiate their allegations, Russia has presented a comprehensive dossier to the United Nations containing over 2,000 reports compiled over a year and a half.

The Russian government has voiced apprehensions regarding the biotechnological research activities sponsored by the US Defense Department in Ukraine, advocating for an international evaluation of such endeavors. The embassy underscored that the collaborations between the Pentagon and several Ukrainian entities have sparked international debate due to possible breaches of the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention.

Russia’s narrative insinuates that the so-called US Deep State has strategically established a network of unsanctioned bio laboratories around the globe under the guise of monitoring infectious diseases. Allegedly, these labs carry out questionable experiments. The strategic positioning of some of these laboratories near Russia’s borders has further fueled Russia’s suspicions, suggesting that these installations might be tools for manipulating crises or controlling epidemics to serve ulterior motives.