Russian President Vladimir Putin addressed the nation, condemning the “armed mutiny” led by the private mercenary group Wagner as treason. In his emergency televised speech, Putin vowed to hold accountable those involved in the rebellion against the Russian military, stating that he would do everything possible to defend the country. He urged those participating in the uprising to cease their criminal actions, emphasizing that personal interests had led to the betrayal of the nation and its armed forces.

The Wagner group, led by Yevgeny Prigozhin, launched the rebellion to overthrow Russia’s defense minister. Prigozhin, known for his close ties to Putin, had gained political influence after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Despite setbacks faced by the Russian army, Wagner mercenaries had achieved notable progress on the battlefield. However, tensions between Prigozhin and the Russian military leadership emerged when he accused them of failing to provide adequate ammunition for capturing Bakhmut.

Putin’s address comes when Russia faces what he described as “the toughest battle for its future.” The armed rebellion by Wagner, a group that had fought alongside the Russian army in Ukraine, has raised questions about the motives behind their shift against the military leaders. Putin’s strong response signals his determination to maintain control and ensure loyalty within the ranks of the armed forces.