Russian leader Vladimir Putin visited North Korea, which was his first time visiting the country since 2000. This visit marks the enhancement of relations between Moscow and Pyongyang because both countries are cementing their cooperation. While on a visit, President Putin penned an important trade agreement with North Korea regarding mutual defence and improving relations between the two nations.

Moreover, to strengthen these relations, Russia stated it would restore train tourism with North Korea in July after stopping the service during the Coronavirus outbreak. Interfax news agency said on Wednesday that transportation by train from Russia’s Vladivostok to the North Korean port of Rason would be possible. Besides, through the provision of this service, it is believed that relations between the two nations will be improved, as well as the volume of mobility between the two countries.

For instance, Oleg Kozhemyako, the governor of Primorsky Krai, the Russian federal subject in the Far East, especially when dealing with North Korea, mentioned it enormously. At the start of the festival in Vladivostok dedicated to the sale of goods produced in North Korea, Kozhemyako said: “Having embarked in Vladivostok, people will go directly to the DPRK, get acquainted with the beautiful nature, meet the culture of the country, and its traditions. ”

This revived railway connection is particularly timely as Russia aims to expand the vectors of economic, security, and diplomatic engagement following the large-scale conflict in 2022 and the pronuclear sanctions by Ukraine’s partners. The recent redirection of Russia towards Asia and Africa can be explained by the desire to establish reliable partners that may reduce the effects of sanctions provided by the West.

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