Russia: Even after the covid vaccination drive has started almost everywhere around the world, the casualties out of it still do not seem to fade away. After Indonesia, now Russia sees a surge in the flesh covid cases in one day.

While the most number of covid cases reported in one day was roughly 12,740 a day before, in the last one day it recorded almost 12,600 fresh cases as per reports from their news agencies. 

While the numbers came down a bit, the likes of being completely corona-free remain far away. The corona response center of Russia on Monday said, “Over the past day, 12,604 coronavirus cases were confirmed across 85 regions, including 1,415 cases (11.2 percent) that were detected actively, with people showing no clinical symptoms”. The total covid-19 cases reported by far in Russia stands at 4,177,300 approximately.

In the total of 85 regions where the virus spread, Moscow seems to be the most affected amongst them. It has recorded a total of around 1700 news cases in one day while St. Petersburg stands at position two with almost 950 news cases. In the third is the Moscow region with a record of around 700 new covid cases. It is yet to be seen how the vaccine impacts the surging covid cases in Russia.