World: The Quad group of the countries will conduct their first meeting in the form of a virtual conference. The Quad focuses on improving financial aid to support an increase in manufacturing capacity for COVID vaccines in India.

USA, Japan and other counterparts of the group will clinch on the financial agreement. India urged the Quad partners to invest in its vaccine production capacity in an attempt to counter China’s widening vaccine diplomacy.

An anonymous source reports, the accord will provide funds to the firms in India to manufacture vaccines for American drug makers Novovax Inc and Johnson & Johnson. 

The meeting aims to reduce manufacturing backlogs, hasten the vaccination, and defeat the mutations. Sources reveal, “the idea is that the quicker you can vaccinate, the more that you can defeat some of these mutations. So, this is a capacity that will come online later this year, and it will substantially increase our capacity, collectively.”

Earlier on the 9th of March, The White House announced Joe Biden’s contribution to the virtual meet. This will be the first leader-level meeting of a group seen as part of efforts to balance China’s growing military and economic power. As per White House Spokesperson Jen Psaki, a range of COVID issues will be discussed.” from the threat of COVID, to economic cooperation and … the climate crisis.