Russian President Vladimir Putin has announced that he has accepted an invitation from his Chinese counterpart to visit China in October during the Belt and Road Summit. This move underscores the deepening ties between Russia and China as they pursue common interests in the evolving global geopolitical landscape.

Following a meeting with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi in Moscow, Putin expressed their joint vision of creating a vast Eurasian space, with China’s Belt and Road Initiative playing a significant role in this vision. The Belt and Road Initiative is a massive program through which Beijing extends its influence in developing regions by investing in infrastructure projects.

Notably, as Russia has faced increasing isolation due to its actions in Ukraine, Putin has strategically pivoted toward China. This shift has included enhanced energy cooperation, joint military exercises, and strengthened diplomatic ties. China has adopted a neutral stance on the Ukraine conflict and has criticized Western sanctions against Russia. It has consistently emphasized its strong friendship with Russia.

In recent security talks between senior Russian official Nikolai Patrushev and Wang Yi, both sides called for closer policy coordination to counter Western efforts to contain them. This alignment of interests has been evident in various international forums where Russia and China have supported each other.

Wang’s visit to Russia follows his discussions with US President Joe Biden’s national security adviser in Malta, demonstrating China’s diplomatic engagements on multiple fronts. Putin’s upcoming visit to China, scheduled for October, reaffirms the commitment of both nations to strengthen their partnership as they navigate the complex global political landscape together.